Thursday, September 3, 2009

Big Ben...Parliment...

I'm trying to stay calm, I am...but I am very excited.

Our honeymoon has finally arrived! In just about 8 hours we will be en route to Europe! Stopping first in London, then hitting up Paris, and finishing up in Barcelona. I'm a little nervous and anxious, but mostly excited...very, very excited.

I'm trying really hard not to pack everything I own. I think I have a good mix of things. And hell, if I don't have it, I'll just do what I do best...BUY IT! I don't think I'll mind doing a little shopping in London and Paris.

What am I most looking forward to, you ask? In one simple visual, this:

Macarons, mother effer! More specifically, lovely Laduree I simply can't wait.

Alright, before I can eat Macarons, I have to actually finish packing. Farewell for now. Or should I say Au Revoir!

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