Nothing against October, I actually love it. It brings crisp weather, pumpkins, Halloween parties, decorations and Halloween candies (...and last year it brought me cavities from eating too much of that candy), my Mom's birthday and most importantly it marks the anniversary of our engagement. I know I keep saying that I can't believe it has been a year already, but seriously...I can...not...believe it!
In the last few weeks though, I have made some ground. We found the location for our ceremony. After looking for a place for about the last 11 months, I discovered that the hotel where we are having our room block has a nice outdoor location and is willing to do just a ceremony and the "inclement weather" back up ballroom is actually not terrible either. It will be nice for our guests, because they will be able to come to the hotel, attend the ceremony and then if they are staying at the hotel, they can just check in right afterward (or perhaps even before?) The location fee is less than what we were going to pay for the Schram and it's pretty much exactly what I wanted all along.
Well, this is pretty much my perfect location, but I don't live anywhere near anything this amazing:

(I don't know the exact source of that photo, but I'm pretty sure I pulled it from
But like I's almost perfect.
Here are a couple photos I took when we went to look at the location.

I can use these chairs, or they have white garden chairs which I may use instead.

As you can see there are a few big trees in the area that provide shade which is very nice, especially in July. (eek!)

The coordinator at the hotel said she can set the site for at least 200 people, which is nice to at least have the option. Not sure how many we should expect yet.
I'd like to use some flower pom poms (my nice technical word for them). Either from real flowers or fake, depending on how much the real things would run.

I also would like to hang something from the trees if possible, but I don't want to run the risk of looking gaudy. Maybe a couple of paper lanterns or something. I haven't really looked into that yet.
Only other thing I have been considering is having a chuppah. Sean is Jewish and though we technically aren't having a Jewish wedding, it would be nice to honor that part of him with some traditional aspects. He will be breaking the glass at the end of the ceremony (spoiler alert: it's actually a light bulb! I guess it has better pop?)
Well, I guess that's all I have for now.
I'm still looking for the right photographer, I thought I had found him...and then another him...yet both were already booked. More on that next time. I bet you'll be living on the edge of your seats until then!
Looks good. Those 'poms' are actually called kissing balls, they are usually made at christmas time and have holly, berries, and mistle toe in them. They are very expensive made out of fresh flowers and very heavy. just as expensive made out of silk but not as heavy. But, if you make them your self they are really easy and not as expensive. you can get everything you need at the craft store, and then you'll have them as a keep sake if you want.
Thanks! I totally forgot about your knowledge of all things floral...I may be coming to you with more questions. And I will definitely be attempting to make those!
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